Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So who does he look like? Most people say that he looks like his Daddy but there are some that say he looks like his Mommy.... What do you say?

Our Condo Renovation.

So we recently renovated our condo so that we could rent it out. Kristi's dad and I laid out new wood floor throughout the condo except in the bedroom which is still carpet. It turned out really nice and we like it. Kristi is jealous because she does not get to live there...


He sits! Jacob is getting to be such a big boy. He started sitting quite a while ago and will probably skip crawling and go straight to walking. He still has no interest in rolling over and seems to think crawling requires too much effort. He does love to sit though. He will sit on the floor and play with his toys any time of the day...except when he is tired...or hungry...or needs some attention....
Enjoy more pictures of Jacob sitting...