Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amaiya's 9th Birthday

Amaiya just had her 9th birthday....can you believe she is already 9!!!!!!! Am I really that old? How is it that I can have a 9 year old daughter???? There are days when I still feel like I am

Amaiya and I made a deal....I agreed that it was OK if she had a 9th birthday as long as she does not have any more birthdays. She will be 9 forever. :-)

Amaiya got a new bike from her mommy for her birthday and a LIV doll from her daddy. For those of you who do not know what a LIV doll is (because we all know that I didn't know what one was before I went looking for one) it is a Barbie type doll, but they do not have the ridiculous proportions of a Barbie. You can buy different clothes and wigs for the doll. Amaiya and her friends all have them and play with them together.

Amaiya chose to have a Sponge Bob cake for her birthday. Sponge Bob square pants, Sponge Bob square pants, Sponge Bob square pants....Doddle e do te do do! Hahahaha!!!! We love to watch Sponge Bob together! I am convinced that is one of the best things about being a parent; I get to watch cartoons with my daughter and nobody can say anything about it. In fact, to most people it is not only considered acceptable but it is "cute". How great is that!!!!

Until next time.....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kristi is 34 weeks!!!

Wow! The big day is getting closer and closer! It is hard to believe that we are already at 34 weeks. Kristi is doing very well with her pregnancy and both she and the baby are very healthy.
If the ultra sound pictures are correct this will be a baby boy. We have decided his name will be Jacob Mical Terry....unless of course he comes out with one less appendage...then we will scramble for another name.
We have been very blessed with an easy pregnancy so far. We have not had anything that has caused any alarm or raised any concerns. There are always so many things that can possibly go wrong in any pregnancy; we are truly blessed to be healthy. Pray for us so that we will continue to have a healthy experience.
Amaiya is so excited to finally be a big sister. She has been so helpful so far and I know that she will be even more helpful once the baby is born.
We will continue to keep you all posted as we get closer to the due date.