Monday, March 8, 2010

Kristi is 34 weeks!!!

Wow! The big day is getting closer and closer! It is hard to believe that we are already at 34 weeks. Kristi is doing very well with her pregnancy and both she and the baby are very healthy.
If the ultra sound pictures are correct this will be a baby boy. We have decided his name will be Jacob Mical Terry....unless of course he comes out with one less appendage...then we will scramble for another name.
We have been very blessed with an easy pregnancy so far. We have not had anything that has caused any alarm or raised any concerns. There are always so many things that can possibly go wrong in any pregnancy; we are truly blessed to be healthy. Pray for us so that we will continue to have a healthy experience.
Amaiya is so excited to finally be a big sister. She has been so helpful so far and I know that she will be even more helpful once the baby is born.
We will continue to keep you all posted as we get closer to the due date.


  1. Kristi, you are looking so great! These final weeks are so miserable/exciting. Soon you will meet the new littel man!
    Curtis, love the blog!

  2. Which appendage might be missing? Arms legs? And, why re-name a baby because of unwanted birth defects?

    I jest. Congratulations! It's unbelievable the joy a new one brings into your life.

    All the best.
