Sunday, May 30, 2010

Little Baby Jacob

So Little Baby Jacob is growing up very fast. He has brought so much joy to our lives already. The more we get to know this little person the more we learn how special he is and how blessed we are to be a part of his life.

Today I had the opportunity to bless Jacob in church. As we stood in the circle I was overcome with the spirit of what I was about to do. Jacob was wide awake for the entire blessing and just looked around at everyone in the circle. It has always amazed me the light that is present in the eyes of a child. They look at us with so much trust and adoration. It is a heavy responsibility that we shoulder as parents. After giving Jacob Mical Terry his official name the only words that came to mind was to ask our Heavenly Father to please bless all of us who have the charge to raise this special spirit. I have known from the first moment that I laid eyes on this child that he is special and that I need to do all that I can to be worthy of the opportunity to be his father.

Please enjoy the pictures of our handsome baby boy.

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