Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream and Wonders- Jacob and his weird sleeping habbits....

Amaiya is such a good sister to Jacob. She looks after him all the time and helps around the house. The other day she took a fussing Jacob to his room to help get him to sleep, but in the process she seemed to succumb to the sleep monster herself. Kristi and I went in to check up on them and found this beautiful sight... Rock-a-bye babies in the bedroom. We were all playing on the floor with Jacob when daddy laid down on Jacob's legs. Jacob was
busy playing the drums on daddy's head when the sleep monster overtook him. He literally fell asleep laying on daddy's neck. Like father like son.

Looks really comfortable right???......

We liked this photo because his poor little ear was stuck to his head. When he woke up we had to pry it off the side of his face. I guess it makes sleeping a little quieter...maybe...wonder what he is dreaming of...

A few days ago I was feeding Jacob some dinner and talking with the missionaries. He was screaming and pounding his hands on the high chair. All of a sudden his eyes rolled back in his head and he just spontaneously fell asleep sitting up in the high chair. It seems that the sleep monster shows up in almost any situation. He must be dreaming of the day when he will get to eat "big boy" food...

Wow! Look at that! Jacob must have some sleeping habits of his own... not to mention the whole family does. :) I wonder if he likes to dream about food that much....

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