Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jacob's 1st Birthday Party

Can you believe that it has been a year since Baby Jacob was born?!!!! When you are a child you hear your parents say "I can't believe how fast time flies" and it sounds so cliche, but the older we get the more we realize the truth that statement holds. It seems like just a few days ago that I was standing in a body shop working on an estimate and Kristi called me to go to the he is 1 year old! AND AMAIYA IS 10!!!! No wonder I have so much gray hair...
Jacob got his own little cake to eat and destroy. He is just checking in with Mommy to make sure that it is OK to dig into it.

Amaiya wants a bite, but she will not get one...

Now we have just created a monster.

The kids now-a-days grow up so fast...Jacob already has a beard.

Time for presents. Jacob got a cell phone, lots of clothes, a lap top, and a few other neat toys.

What a cute couple!

What a cute family!!!

And of course Ryan and Faith were there....they are always there...wherever there is...

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