Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Big Sisters first moments with her little brother...

Today I took Amaiya for a walk through the hospital to the gift shop located on the first floor. We talked about her little brother Jacob and what a blessing it is to have him in our lives. We talked about how his arrival will change all of our lives. Most importantly, we talked about Amaiya's role as the "Big Sister".
Amaiya has been looking forward to the arrival of Baby Jacob since before the day we first found out that we were expecting. I have had many discussions with her about the importance of being a Big Sister. I could tell that today she was really starting to understand what all this means and how it all fits together.
Once in the gift shop Amaiya and I picked out a gift that Baby Jacob asked me to buy for her... a t-shirt that says "I Am A Big Sister". After we bought the t-shirt Amaiya asked if she could put it on "right now". I asked her if she was ready to take on the responsibility of being the "Big Sister"? She responded, without hesitation, "YES". Then she promptly took off her t-shirt in the elevator and replaced it with the one we had just bought.
What does it mean to be a "Big Sister"? It means that she gets to be the one he looks up to. It means that she gets to be the one that he will ask all kinds of questions to. It means that she is the one he will turn to when he wants the opinion of one of his peers who he respects. It means that she will be a source of his inspiration. It means that she WILL be someone he looks up to.
We all know how special Amaiya is and the special spirit that she has. As her father I KNOW how special she is and I know that she is such an amazing person and spirit. She is someone who is a real inspiration and example to everyone around her. She is a leader among her friends. She is my little angel. I am blessed to be her father and the older she gets the more I realize that fact to be true. I love you Amaiya and I am so glad that you are willing, able and happy to be a "Big Sister" to your little brother Jacob.

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