Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Mother and her new Baby

Here is picture of Kristi and Jacob just minutes after his birth. If you look real close you can see the adoration in Jacob's eyes for this person who carried him for nearly 39 weeks and then literally put her life on the line to bring him into this world.
I have said this before and I will continue to say it for the rest of my life....Mothers are amazing people and are truly blessed. How amazing is it that they can grow another human being in their tummies?!!! This is a blessing that I will never get the opportunity to experience. For all of us men out there.... as many times as we all say; "I'm happy that I do not HAVE to bear children" I am of the opinion that we are the ones that are missing out. I think there is a connection that happens during pregnancy, not only between mother and child but between mother and Heavenly Father, that we can not even begin to understand. I have heard many mothers talk about the closeness they feel to God during these months, but it is hard for them to really put it in a perspective or words that a simpleton like myself can understand. I know it is an experience that I will never have and I am OK with that, but I just want everyone to know the admiration and respect that I have for all the good mothers out there.
I am very fortunate to come from a great mother myself. I feel that my mother was the perfect example of charity and love. She is one of the greatest women that I know and I am truly blessed to have her as my mother. I love you Mom!!!
I am also fortunate to have 3 sisters who are all amazing mothers. Each one of them is an example to me in different ways. Love you sisters!
I am also married to a woman who I adore and look up to. Kristi is a great example to me in many ways. I look up to her and try to be more like her in many ways. I hope that she knows how much I lover her.
I try my hardest to be the best father that I can be...I hope that both Amaiya and Jacob know how much I love them.

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