Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Fathers first moments with his son...

Today I had the blessing of laying down next to my new son and taking a nap together. I laid him down beside me while he was still awake and we just stared at each other for probably 10-15 minutes. I am not sure what was going through that tiny little head of his, but I am pretty sure that he was sizing me up. He seemed to be telling me who he was and what I needed to do to be ready to raise him.
It is amazing how a small child can get an adult mind to really open itself up. The simplicity you see in their eyes unlocks the complexities of our minds and lets us evaluate and re-evaluate our lives.
As I lay there with my son and eventually drifted off into sleep I gave my thanks to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful gift. I thanked Him for the opportunity to have Jacob and Amaiya in my life. I also thanked Him for my wonderful father.
My father is a rock in my life. He is someone that I not only look up to, but if I can manage to be even a fraction of the man he is I will consider myself a success. He has taught me many things in my life; large things such as the value of a honest days work and the necessity to provide for your family no matter the personal costs- all the way down to the most subtle of things, such as learning to look for a teaching moment in a child's eyes. To my Dad, I love you and I hope to be someone that you can be proud of.
I am not sure what the future will hold for baby Jacob, I am not sure what trials he will have to endure in this life. However, I am sure that he is a blessing in our lives! We love you baby Jacob!

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